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So You Think You Want A Bloodhound?

     Before you decide to make a bloodhound a part of your family, there are a few things you might want to consider.That adorable, wrinkled little puppy is going to grow anywhere from 90 to 120 pounds and can sling slobber across a room with one shake of his massive head.


     The term "porch dog" is not at all descriptive of the bloodhound. He is very active most of the day. Once he picks up an interesting scent and gets his nose to the ground, he might not hear your call. With his head down and his eyes covered, he can run right in front of a car without even seeing it so a fenced yard is a must.


     Although it is his nature to be very gentle and he loves children, his size should be considered around a very small child for he could easily knock one down just by trying to show affection.


     Bloodhounds can make an incredible variety of sounds. They can bay, howl, and whine, all in melodious tones and although this may be music to your ears, your neighbors may not appreciate it.

Those wonderful long ears are breeding grounds for bacteria, so along with his eyes, will require regular cleaning (a simple wipe with a damp cloth should do the trick). His short coat is easily maintained by an occasional brushing or use of a hound glove and don't forget to watch for skin fold infections.


     Every breed has its health problems and the bloodhound is no exception. They sometimes have problems with bloat which can be fatal without immediate vet care. Hip dysplasia, common in large dogs, is a potentially crippling disease and is thought to be genetic,so spaying or neutering and proper medical care would be necessary if your dogs inherits it.


     The bloodhound is extremely intelligent and easily trained if you are patient and consistent.They love their humans and are eager to make you happy.


     So if you still want a bloodhound, please never buy from a pet store unless you can get information about the breeder. Puppy mill puppies are not healthy and are heartbreak waiting to happen.When you go to pick up your puppy, be cautious of a freshly bathed pup brought in for you to see. Ask to meet the sire and dam. A reputable breeder will invite you to the kennel. Ask questions! A good breeder will be happy to answer them and will have questions for you too. A true bloodhound lover will want to be sure his pups are going to a loving home and will welcome them back if the new owner is no longer able to care for them.

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